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1 Emulators

What? The Amiga isn’t good enough? You really want it to be another machine? Well, look here…

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1.1 Can I run Unix on my Amiga?

Actually there are three Unix versions on the Amiga. All of them need at least 68030 (@pxref{68EC0xx,MMU,MMU}), probably a 68040 in the near future and seem to have problems with many hard-drive-controllers. You should have a good look into the documentation before installing it. Unix needs much resources, say at least 10Mb RAM and a 150Mb Unix-partition on the hard-drive.

  1. Commodore offered a System V Unix in the past. It contained TCP/IP, X11 and other software and seemed to make a good job, but it was expensive and after all Commodore has dropped developing it. Commodore-Unix needs a streamer because it is distributed on tapes.
  2. A Linux port is prepared. But actually there is not very much than the kernel. Specialists might like to use it, but it cannot be recommended for now. Linux is freely distributable. Sources: ftp.tsx-11.mit.edu or ftp.uni-erlangen.de, both directory ‘/pub/Linux/MIRROR.tsx-11/680x0’. Or ftp.leo.org, directory ‘/pub/comp/os/linux/680x0’.
  3. NetBSD is freely distributable too. Like Linux it isn’t ready for now, but it seems to make big steps. Most GNU software is said to run, especially emacs and gcc. I think it’s worth to have a look on it. Sources: ftp.uni-erlangen.de, Directory ‘/pub/amiga/unix/NetBSD-regensburg’. @xref{Fish CD}.

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1.2 Is it possible to use the Amiga as X11 terminal?

Yes, it is. There are three different packages available:

GfxBase offers a commercial version which is said to be excellent, but expensive. The distribution includes different window managers and clients. A demo version is on Aminet. (‘gfx/x11/GfxBase-X11-Demo.lha’)

AmiWin is a Shareware X11R6 product supporting AmiTCP, AS225 and different graphic cards. A demo version is available on Aminet, ‘gfx/x11/AmiWin*.lha’.

DaggeX is freely distributable and probably not finished yet. (It calls itself version 0.91.) Source: Aminet, ‘gfx/x11/DaggeX-0.91.lha’ and ‘gfx/x11/twm_930531.lha’.

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1.3 Is there a way to start MS-Dos programs?

PC-Task is a software only IBM-PC emulator for all Amiga computers allowing use of MSDOS and MS Windows 3.1 software (provided RAM/HD space is sufficient). The current release is 3.1 which includes emulation of 80286 with MDA/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA, serial and parallel ports, mouse, two harddrives, two floppies and CDROM support. A demonstration version can be obtained from aminet sites: ‘/pub/aminet/misc/emu/PCTaskDemo31.lzh’. Author Chris Hames (bytey@werple.mira.net.au) Publisher (pctask@quasar.dialix.oz.au)

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1.4 How to mount MsDos-formatted Syquests on Amiga

To mount a MSDos-formatted Syquest on Amiga, you need with an (DOSen) Adaptec-Controller the following Mount-entry in ‘DEVS:Mountlist’: If your medium does have more than one partition, you need to copy the following Mount-Entry for every partition and give each partition another name (eg. SyC:, SyD:, SyE:, etc.) You don’t need to change LowCyl and HighCyl for each partition; CrossDOSFileSystem does that automatically.

SyC:   /* SyD:, SyE:, etc. */
        Filesystem      = L:CrossDOSFileSystem
        Device          = scsi.device
        Unit            = 2
        Flags           = 1
        Surfaces        = 1
        BlocksPerTrack  = 1
        BlockSize       = 512
        Reserved        = 1
        Interleave      = 0
        LowCyl          = 0
        HighCyl         = 524287
        Buffers         = 128
        BufMemType      = 0
        Stacksize       = 4000
        Priority        = 5
        GlobVec         = -1
        DosType         = 0x4D534800
        Activate        = 1

For different (DOSen) controllers this entry should work, too, but maybe you have to adjust it. When inserted, the Syquest-270MB medium is (in this case) automatically mounted (as drive SyC:) and can be used with help of the CrossDOS-Filesystem as usual.

Gerhard Schneider (fido@incubus.sub.org) Andre Keller (keller@rs11.hrz.th-darmstadt.de)

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